Brief 4

For this brief we were asked to take photos that reminded us of home and home for me has always been somewhere that has been comfortable with lots of warmth in both the use of colours and textures used in decoration but also home is familiar as I had loved in the same home for 18 years of my life therefore there are lots of items and objects and things that I can associate with home for example my firs set of photographs are representative of creature comforts and home cooking. They are such because when it came to buying kitchen utensils etc. I brought the same ones I was familiar with at home that was the focus of the image as the knifes and forks represent something comfortable to me on top of all of that it represents being at home and eating meals together as a family and spending time together as a group.







The next thing I think of when I think of home is lots of natural light as it represents again comfort but also when I am at home my mood is much more positive because I am comfortable I could be doing the same thing as I am doing elsewhere like tidying my room but I’d be a lot happier because their was much more natural light. Thats the feeling I was trying to achieve from the second set of photographs but having the natural light coming in but also drawing attention to such things as clothing the could indicate the mundane tasks but still can make for a few happy memories.






The next set of photos exist to remind me of my Dad and how as a teacher during the summers he used to spend a lot of time marking exam papers for extra money so we could as a family afford to go on holiday. Because of this he used to spend a lot of time in the office which has a large collection of books little items and trinkets, DVD’s old CD’s and tapes and something that was important to me at uni was filling the bookshelf in my room with some books and DVD’s from home so that it does feel like I brought a little bit more of home with me. Also when I think of my father I think of intelligence and important subject matters and his seemingly endless knowledge of social constructs so I wanted to emphasise in the photos the importance of some of his favourite books, some that I recommended to me and also some that I am reading due to his influence as a teacher of film but also of communication and culture.